Monday, April 11, 2016

Advice to Baruch College

Using Media is a great way to outsource to the campus community freshman and seniors and employees alike. Some suggestions might be to create a Facebook page and an Instagram account where students can be featured and put their input on whats going on on campus. Another cool thing which I don't know if it has been done yet is create some Geo tags for Snapchat, this way there can be a feed of snap chats based and fueled by Baruch Students. A good way to get students involved is have a place on social media in which students can voice their opinions on things that they believe are important.


  1. Hi Daniela,

    I think these are great suggestions, its always great to read or hear about experiences that come directly from other peers or students. This was an interesting post!


  2. Daniela,

    I came up with the same idea because i think it is lacking i the system and people should be able to network a lot better considering how advance we are. It is something i think of doing on my own if nobody is planning on because i think it will be huge for the environment
