Sunday, February 14, 2016

Research Topic: Social Networking / Social Media and How is it Changing Who We Are?

The reason I want to do research on this topic is because if you look at people who are older than us, aunts , uncles, moms and dads we can see the age gap in our technology use.The younger generations and even not so young are glued to our phones. People in today's world are nearly addicted to all our technology! I'm guilty as charged with that one. Social Media and Social Networking is becoming our life these days. It has become so easy to find everything and anything at our fingertips. I want to write about how different we are becoming by being so attached to our social media. As a teacher I see first hand how much social media and social networks are impacting lives. 2 and 3 year old children are coming home and playing on the iPad or watching TV for hours instead of playing with toys or looking at books. Also today it is so easy to find information on a person's personal life, with the click of a button you can find someone's Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and practically cyber stalk them. My objective will be writing about the multiple perspectives on how we're changing due to Social Media and Social Networks.


  1. I agree I was so shocked when I seen my niece work an ipad before she could even form a sentence. It's so amazing how advance technology is getting as the years go on. I did like the point when you said things are at your finger tips. At a click of a button information that once needed extensive research can be found at a click of a button.

  2. I agree I was so shocked when I seen my niece work an ipad before she could even form a sentence. It's so amazing how advance technology is getting as the years go on. I did like the point when you said things are at your finger tips. At a click of a button information that once needed extensive research can be found at a click of a button.
