Sunday, February 28, 2016

Blogs vs. Wiki

In my opinion I think blogs may be easier to navigate than a Wiki. With that being said i also think both are great for collaborations. Blogs I think are a little less informal as opposed to Wikis, but more people can contribute to the large amount of info on a Wiki. "Bloggers write about topics that matter to them; their audience may be large or small.Some blogs are single-person operations(one to many); others have a community of authors (many to many)"(How Can We Measure the Influence of the Blogosphere? Kathy E. Gill) .Blogs are usually easier to see who is writing which posts which makes them more personal. Wiki's can have multiple contributors on one piece of information."He chose a wiki—a software application that allows groups of users to create, edit and comment on online documents—so that each team member could contribute and access up-to-date information on the project."( Margeret Locher's article:Wiki While You Work; The technology popularized by Wikipedia can help companies gather and manage their own collective knowledge) Blogs many times are a reflection of the Blog owner and wikis are more of a joint effort of the people who are putting up the information. Wiki's show you on the side the updates of which things are posted and blogs you usually have to scroll down for the older postings. The importance of converging ideas today has grown. take our class for example if we were to put all our posts in places of our choice ex: Tumblr, Twitter, Emails, Blogger... it would be a lot more difficult to track our progress and assignments. As a whole we are combining our ideas on a Wiki which we are using each other to grow; and we are independently using our Blogs to answer questions and state our opinions. Blogs will show our classmates our outlook on the assignment and Wiki we will work together.

1 comment:

  1. I personally favor blogs rather wikis, only because it's easier to work. Wiki has so much steps that you have to pay attention to that can become over whelming, well for me. I also like that with blogs you see whose writing and commenting on your blog.
