Sunday, March 6, 2016

Social Networking

 Social Networking our mean of communication these days. I cant even count how many times I've been asked Why don't you just pick up the phone and call? How many times me or someone else around me has been made fun of for checking in and posting our every move. But really is picking up the phone and dialing instead of texting become a lost gesture?  In the article "Being There" by Virginia Heferrnan she writes “What makes a great Facebook update?” I asked, as my status update, one recent morning. She explains about how simple it is to update everyone you're friends with about what you're doing at that moment. But the real question is do they really care? .Social Networking and the new wave of technology definitely has it's benefits. It is so easy to market a brand with the click of a button or get in contact with multiple employees at once. Social Networking is great for business you can have numerous employees selling a brand or an idea through Twitter, Websites, Blogs and the holy grail of Social Network : Facebook and Instagram. I do think that Social Networking is hard to keep up with and especially if you are an employee. Think what if your future or current employer get a hold of your personal accounts? Would you be happy with the content they are viewing? Would it jeopardize your employment?
Today's world is very high tech you no longer have to be in the Technology and Media field of work to be revolved by Social Networking. Cell Phones or should I say Smart Phones rule almost everything around us. Doctors can instantly answer emails when they aren't even in the office and fashion designers can post their latest creation through an Instagram post and in a business meeting you no longer need to come prepared with a flip chart all you need is a projector or a computer.
In the article Social Networking Technology Boosts Job Recruiting by Frank Langfitt the unthinkable is possible. Nobody would ever imagine that their Social Network they were a part of could land them a high end job. "Social networking technology is absolutely the best thing to happen to recruiting — ever." Instead of hopeful employees searching for jobs days on end they make a professional profile that showcases themselves and can possibly hear back from any company.
I know that today their are many companies that make a profession out of job recruiting o i think in the future these Social Media networks are going to grow in popularity as opposed to just the old resume and interview and job application process.


  1. I completely understand where your coming from. Its as if the internet has stripped us away of our humanity and our actual social skills.

  2. Hi Daniela,

    I completely agree with your blog post, its very convenient now to be able to find a job through social media such as LinkedIn. The employment and recruitment processes are evolving due to social media.


  3. I loved how you tied Linkedin into your post. I also forget that this is consider a social network site as well. I also like how you consider Facebook and Twitter as the holy grail because in this day and age it considered the laws of the land to have either or.

  4. I loved how you tied Linkedin into your post. I also forget that this is consider a social network site as well. I also like how you consider Facebook and Twitter as the holy grail because in this day and age it considered the laws of the land to have either or.
