Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Social Networking Sites

My Top Social Networking Sites are in no particular order: Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter. While they are all social networking sites they are all quite different. Facebook is for people of nearly all ages although we hope there aren't users under 12 but we know that isn't always the case. Facebook is a place to connect almost anyone has one; young and old. It is a place to really express yourself on your wall and timeline. Facebook has helped old friends reconnect and people find lost loved ones too. You can see everything that anyone updates or you can see less depending on privacy settings. You can also be a member to as many groups as you'd like and check off that you're attending events.
Twitter is where you write what you want in a Tweet of 140 characters or less. This social network is a little less personal because this is probably the best way to get in touch with any celebrities you've always wanted to talk to. You can tweet a little you can tweet a lot, you can also see suggested twitter accounts, and see what other people are tweeting about all on your feed.
Snapchat is the new age of social media and networking. Not everybody has one and it is quite personal since whoever you have on your Snapchat can see your face. The name is genius since it literally explains what it is. You chat through snapping pictures of yourself or other things. Your snapstory can be as long as you want with pretty much whatever you want.
Last but not least Instagram, the new way to display yourself. Instagram is universal and is known for bringing selfies and personal interests all on one account. Your Instagram says a lot about who you are and what you're up to at the moment. Instead of posting a status you can check in and post a picture or video for the world to see. It isn't only a place to connect with friends but with other people and celebrities too. The "Popular" page is a feed in which you can see whats popular based on things youve liked or followed or people you follow. Instagram is a great place to keep your photos and videos in one place.                                                                        

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