Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Blog About Twitter

This class was my first time having a discussion board through Twitter. I think it is a cool concept and it also makes us think directly to the point since we are limited to expressing ourselves through 140 characters or less!A Twitter discussion is different from a Blackboard Discussion . For our twitter discussion we used a hashtag to keep all our classes input in one place but on Blackboard you need to click and look at each person's post and comment. Also according to how someone designs their twitter account you might be able to put the tweet to a face as opposed to blackboard it is less likely that you will remember someones face when you are reading their name on the discussion board. Obviously nothing compares to an in- class discussion. That is as personal as you are going to get you can see people's faces and reactions and see the emotion they put behind answering to material. I personally like in- class discussions because it gives the best opportunity to see other people's point of views face to face.

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