Sunday, March 20, 2016

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds are sometimes an escape from reality. Ironically it can be a reality that you create, there are many games and apps and technologies that can help you create an entire virtual world. Plenty of people enjoy immersing themselves into these virtual worlds that technology can create. When I think of a virtual world I think of The Sims, that game puts the power to create a virtual reality in the gamer's hands. In my opinion I think that Virtual Worlds have lots of benefits. It can aid in business, real estate, education and more. In the article The Advantages and Disadvantages of the Virtual Classroom and the Role of the Teacher by Guy Posey, Thomas Burgess, Marcus Eason, Yawna Jones we see that while technology can aid in Education it also has a downside. By adding new Virtual and technological methods to teaching it is hindering the teaching abilities of the teachers. Yes, virtual worlds are great for helping model different information for students but are they actually learning or getting caught up in the technological aspect.
I believe that the cons to Virtual Worlds is how easy we can get attached to the way something looks virtually and be let down if it doesn't perform or look the same way in reality. I think that the future of virtual worlds will do extremely well and prosper, in a technology and media driven world we live in today, we enjoy having everything done virtually. As the article No Budget, No Boundaries: It's the Real You by Ruth La Ferla their is no object of money or problems in the virtual world,“Everything fits; things don’t wear out. The virtual world represents a different value proposition.”

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